Let’s now work through what to do with all of this gorgeous information you just shared with yourself.
Practice #1: Use Your Feelings
Review your answer to question 2 of your desired future state. Focus your response of how you want to feel into three words (i.e. strong, confident, aligned). You should be able to FEEL these three words in your body when you read them. They reflect the feelings that future you spends most of her time feeling. You likely don’t feel them now, and that’s okay. They should feel a bit aspirational.
Once you have these three words, find images that represent them. You can use Google, Pinterest, magazines etc…
Once you have these three images, post them somewhere you see them every day. I have mine next to my computer. Others have them as a screen saver on their phone or computer, or hanging beside their bathroom mirror. Not only will these now serve as a reminder of the feeling you are moving towards, but you can use them strategically to change your life immediately.
Anytime you catch yourself not feeling the way you want to feel, stop, take a deep breath and use the following structure to ask yourself a question. “How can I add more [insert feeling here] into this moment?”
coaching corner
Ready to Experience 2025 Differently? Redefine Your Year opens on 12/9. E-mail us to learn more at hello@redefinepossibility.com.
Another version of that question could be “ What would someone who feels [insert feeling here] do right now?”. Answer that question, and act on it.
Using your desired feelings as a guidepost to change your current behaviour will pull you into your future state, day by day.
Practice #2: "I Am" Statements
The most important words you say to yourself (or out loud) are the ones that come after the following two words, “I” and “Am”. Anything that completes the phrase “I am…” your brain takes as truth. It will literally show you more examples and reasons why you are that very thing, even if you attempt to act as the opposite. Thinking or saying “I am a mess…”, your brain is going to show you more reasons to think you are a mess. Thinking or saying “I am stuck”, your brain is going to show you more examples of why and how you won’t get to where you want to go. It’s time to shift your brain to focusing on the amazing things that you are, have and will become.
Look at your answers to questions 1 through 5 in your future state and use them to create at least three new “I Am” statements. For instance, “I am strong”. “ I am a woman who creates art”. “I am a phenomenal mother”. Once you have them, every morning, create a practice of writing down these statements and reading them out loud. If you are feeling extra saucy, close your eyes and FEEL the words as you say them.
With these actions, you are re-encoding your brain. You are telling your brain who you are, and what you want to see. Declare it. Take up that space. Over time, your actions will automatically be influenced by these thoughts and statements.
This is how you begin to become the version of yourself that gets to the end of 2025 and feels aligned, is proud of her accomplishments and contributions, and knows that there is more out there waiting for her.
Welcome to your next level.