Letter from the Editor
LOVE letter
y Love Letter video (linked in the above photo) this edition may just be the most important
thing you hear heading into 2025. I don’t say that to toot my own horn, I say it because after working with and speaking in front of over 100 people this year, conditional happiness is the one paradigm I hear over and over and over that people are living their lives by. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to wait to get the new job, the new salary or hit the new weight to feel how you want to feel. In fact, expecting those things outside of you to make you feel a certain way is a recipe for burnout, imposter syndrome and continued over-achieving.
What if you entered 2025 differently?
What if, instead of setting goals and resolutions based on what you want to achieve in your life and work, you started planning for the year by asking yourself “How do I want to feel?”, “How do I want to show up in the world?” “What do I want to experience every day?”. All of the doing and achieving isn’t wrong, in fact I encourage you to set goals, but life looks and feels differently when those goals are born from intentional being. The sweet spot is where the doing meets the being.
This year, look at who you need to become, in order to have those things you want.
I created Redefine Your Year to help you with this process. Redefine Your Year is a private audio feed experience, where, over the course of 9, 10-20 minute podcast episodes, I walk you through a transformational goal setting process designed to help you create success differently, so that you can actually enjoy it. This is your invitation to reflect, reset, and redefine the life you want. The program begins on Monday, December 9th. To be added to the wait list and to receive more information, email us at hello@redefinepossibility.com.
I wish you a joy and ease filled holiday season where you get to create time for what matters to you. You deserve it all.