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Letter from the Editor

LOVE letter


all feels like the start of a new year to me. Not just because school is back in session, but the leaves

falling elicits a sort of “shedding process” feeling in me. I start to reflect on what I’ve accomplished and how I’ve felt the past year, and think through how I want to spend the time I have left before January. There is nothing magical about January 1st. Your new year can start any day and at any time.

Launching the magazine earlier this year was a huge uplevel for myself and my team, and I am honored to share the stories of amazing women and products with you. It has also enabled me to start thinking and seeing myself differently, which feels like the ultimate revolution. I’m not sure that I ever quite understood the term self-expression before because, until recently, I never quite understood myself. 

I now know that internal activism is the birthplace of a woman’s next level. We have to be willing to dissect and rebuild our thoughts, beliefs and the lens through which we view the world in order to truly become someone who LIVES. Had I not gone through that process for the last few years, you wouldn’t be reading these pages. 

It’s not easy work, but I truly believe it is the difference between living a life you enjoy and getting to the end lamenting the “what ifs”. 

If you are looking for a place to start this work, my group mindset program, Redefine Your Mind, is available to you at the end of September. I took this curriculum as a student, and it made such an impact that I got certified to teach it. I’ve seen and experienced this program change lives. 

I am offering a free peek into Redefine Your Mind on September 13th called The Power of a Thought Loop. To register, and for more information on the whole program, see the links below.

Here’s to Fall…to shedding, to self-expression and being our truest selves. 




Click here for The Power of a Thought Loop registration and click here for more information on Redefine Your Mind.