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Antoinette Clarke The power of doubling down

I think before you even figure out what the white space is, it's super important for people to understand what their superpowers are.

It's tough for people to really sit back and think “What am I great at? What are my superpowers?” You can find your superpower where your passion and your expertise meet. If you're thinking about the common denominator of your proudest moments, what sets you apart from other people? What have you become known for? What do people come to you for when they need advice? And, what do you do so effortlessly that feels like magic? It's understanding, elevating and playing to your uniqueness and doubling down on it.

Being able to lean into that is so powerful.

It's also important to note that it may not be what you do in your job. People need to think outside of what they do for their nine to five. That may not be their true passion or part of their super power stack. They may need to realize that they need to pivot and lean deeper into the side hustle because that could develop into more of what the calling is.

Tell us a little bit more about the three principles (of connection).

You say in the book, “Be who you are, not who you think you should be. Match passions and not professions, and lead with what you can offer and with what you've got rather than what you need.”

For lead with what you got, not with what you need, it's about not being a taker, but being a maker. Get curious about what other people need, and then find a way to help them get it.

The other thing is, you don't always have to connect with people who are in your field. Just because I'm in the media space, it doesn't mean I'm only going to connect with people in the media. It's about people who have the same values that I do, who like the same things and have the same passion points that I do.

Show up authentically as you. Don't go into rooms and feel like you have to have this role in order for people to like and connect with you. People see right past that. You have to be authentic in order for people to really connect with you.

We've all been at events where you're in a conversation and it feels like pulling teeth because that authenticity and connection isn't there.

Exactly. It's about deliberate cultivation. You have to be deliberate when it comes to your friends, your network of mentors and colleagues. It's one of the things that I'm most conscientious about.

The last question I have for you is, what do you wish women knew?

You don't have to be defined by one career path or one dream. You can pivot and you can change and you can achieve different types of success. You can also pursue side hustles that bring a different type of fulfillment, joy and success.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in that. I've had two major careers that I've loved and had success at. I've also written a book. As long as you stay focused, innovative, passionate and have a growth mindset and the audacity to do it, and the ingenuity to keep you there, you'll be good.

Where do our readers find and follow you?

All on social media. It's Nette_Clarke on all the platforms and then the Double Down book.