Redefine Possibility Vol. 1 - May 2024 | Page 3

Letter from the Editor





t was just over 6 years ago, as a senior leader

at Google, that I was sitting on my basement

floor, loading laundry into the washer at 9pm, breathing through a panic attack. The red light on my blackberry (yes, I know...a blackberry) blinked and buzzed incessantly while my kids cried out for me to put them to bed.

It was not my first panic attack of that week. 

In that moment, head between my knees, fighting for breath through my tears, I saw a flash of my future life. Well dressed but unhappy, divorced and disconnected from my kids. Not at all how I wanted to feel. 

That next day I began the journey of answering the questions "What the hell happened to me?" "How did I get here?" and "How do I stop feeling this way?".  Over time, those questions morphed into one: "How do I ensure that this doesn't happen to other women?" And thus, my mission, to eradicate burnout, was born.

This magazine is my love letter to you.

I believe that, as high performing, driven women, we are all way too valuable to society, the economy, our families and frankly, ourselves, to walk through life teetering on the brink of burnout.

If you've ever thought "What the hell happened to me?", "There must be more than this" or maybe even,"I did all the things I thought I was supposed to do, why am I so unhappy?", you are not alone and you are certainly not crazy.

Stick with us here for resources, coaching,

and women's stories that will help you feel empowered and find answers. 

Welcome. Let’s get started.

Amy Young, Editor / CEO