Redefine Possibility Vol. 1 - May 2024 | Page 12

Letter from the Editor

LOVE letter


truly believe that our actions rise or fall to the level of our beliefs. When you think about what is capable of

happening to and for you in your life, how big do you dream? How GOOD do you imagine it can be?

Our minds are constructed to focus on what we believe and what we tell it we want to see. If you are looking for small you will see small. If you believe that there is a ceiling to what is available for your life then you will see a ceiling. So often, I see clients and women who have dreams inside of themselves that they have never spoken or allowed themselves to dream into reality. I have also seen clients and women who refuse to believe and accept the limitations that have been created for them. Your ability to live your dream starts with your beliefs.


Be honest. Do you REALLY believe that you can be the woman in your vision? To do the things she does, have what she has, and embrace that life? 

If you do believe it, what’s holding you back from taking action? If not, answer this question for me…what is it costing you to remain where you are? 


Are you willing to pay that cost?  

Thank you, friends. I am honored that you spent your time with me and this magazine. Please know that you are not alone on this journey to crafting a life and career that feels GOOD. Myself and my team are here to help you actualize what you want. Book a complimentary 30 minute call with us if you want our support


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